Monday, 15 June 2009

EFitNesse Setup - eclipse

*. Install EFitNesse Eclipse Plugin
1. On Eclipse go to Help->Software Updates->Find and Install
2. Select "Search for new features to install"
3. Select "New Remote Site" button
4. Enter the following
5. Name: EFitnEsse
6. URL:
7. Select Finish Button
8. Follow Menus to install plug-In
9. On Eclipse got o Window->Preferences->FitNesse
10. Fill In the values as shown on Screen.
11. LocalHost = localhost
12. Local Port = 9083
13. Local Root Directory enter EFitnesse Wiki\FitNesseRoot (created project)
iv. Remote Host = localhost
v. Report Port = 7777

4. Click on FL icon on top of Eclipse Menu Screen.

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